Intelligence and mind

●关于智能(intelligence)的广义化定义(Albus & Meystel) We define intelligence as the ability of a system to behave appropriately in  an uncertain environment, where appropriate behavior is that which maximizes the likelihood of success in achieving the system’s goal.

● 智力(mind)与智能(intelligence)的关系(Albus &Meystel) Mind will emerge from intelligent systems, and intelligence will emerge from the joint functioning of four fundamental processes: behavior generation, world modeling, sensory processing, and value judgment. Mind is more than intelligence. Intelligence is merely a prerequisite, a substrate in which mind may emerge. The mind goes beyond simply generating appropriate behavior. The mind distinguishes between right and wrong, good and evil …, and so on. Many aspects of mind will elude scientific understanding for a long time. Nevertheless, we predict that as  more is learned about the fundamental mechanisms of intelligence, some  of  the deeper mysteries of mind will be revealed.